9th Ocha Zanmai
The College of Liberal & Creative Arts and the
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at
San Francisco State University
with a special grant from the Imuraya Group
The 9th Ocha Zanmai:
2023 International Conference on Chanoyu and Tea Culture
Theme: “Chanoyu and Tea Culture from Multiple Perspectives”
Registration and Video Viewing through December 31, 2023
The 9th Ocha Zanmai: 2023 San Francisco International Conference on Chanoyu and Tea Culture is organized neither as an in‐person nor a webinar event. The conference consists of several pre‐recorded sessions that are available in SF State University's YouTube channel July 15 ‐ December 31, 2023. This video conference is open to the public but requires registration fees. (Registration is free for the SFSU community members.) Your registration enables you to view the entire conference presentations as often as you wish till December 31, 2023. For copyright reasons, these session videos are not meant for downloading.
We have organized the video conference into four sessions with presentations which, we hope, will stimulate your interest in chanoyu and tea culture. Linguist Wen‐Chao Li traces three variants of the word "tea 茶" and identifies the different routes along which the culture of tea consumption historically spread. Scientist Suyako Tazuru from Kyoto University introduces the latest wood identification method to unveil hitherto‐unknown stories and intent of tearoom constructions. A direct-disciple and translator for the 16th Grandmaster of the Ueda School, Ueda Sokei, Adam Sōmu Wojciński introduces the history and legacy of the Ueda Soko School of Tea from France. His performance of the usucha and koicha tea procedures were filmed at tea rooms of the Ueda School headquarters in Hiroshima. Traditional Art Researcher Minjeong Park's presentation on the concept of 粗相(sosou) elucidates the essence of Rikyu's aesthetics. Her presentation is in Japanese only. For further information about these sessions, please refer to the program below.
Registration: https://sfsu.universitytickets.com/w/event.aspx?id=1438
Registrants will receive video access links in a confirmation email.
General: $60 + $4.25 fee
(SF State students, faculty and staff: free of charge)
"Tracing the Roots of 'Tea', 'Cha’, & 'Chai': How Diachrony Informs the History of the Fragrant Leaf"
「チャ」、「チャイ」、「テー」の発音の由来をたどる:音変化の観点から見たお茶の歴史- Chris Wen-Chao Li, Ph.D., Professor of Linguistics 李 文肇 博士
- Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, San Francisco State University
サンフランシスコ州立大学現代言語文学科 教授 - Presentation in English only; no Japanese translation (英語のみ/日本語通訳なし)
- SESSION CHAIR: Frederik H. Green, San Francisco State University
議長: - フレデリック・グリーン(サンフランシスコ州立大学教授)
"The Relationship between Wood & People as Seen through Wood Materials Used in the Tea Ceremony Room"
「茶室の用材観から紐解く人と木とのあわい 木材解剖学×茶の湯」- Suyako Tazuru, Ph.D., Lecturer 田鶴寿弥子 農学博士
- Center for Future Pioneering Research on the Humanosphere, Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University
京都大学生存圏研究所 生存圏未来開拓研究センター 講師 - Presentation in Japanese with English translation (日本語の講演/英語通訳付)
- SESSION CHAIR: Tamaki Yano, Professor Emeritus, Doshisha University
議長:矢野 環(同志社大学名誉教授)
"Ueda Soko's Life, Legacy & Tea Way"
「上田宗箇の生涯、茶の精神と現代性」- Adam Sōmu Wojciński アダム・宗夢・ヴォイチンスキ
- Direct-disciple and translator for the 16th Grandmaster of the Ueda School, Ueda Sokei
上田流16代家元上田宗冏の直弟子、翻訳家 - Presentation in English only; no Japanese translation (英語のみ/日本語通訳なし)
- SESSION CHAIR: Stephen Roddy, University of San Francisco
議長: - スティーブン・ロディ(サンフランシスコ大学教授)
“The Aesthetics of ‘Soso’—the Origins of the Suki Tea Ceremony”
「そそう」の美学―数寄茶湯(茶道)の原点- Minjeong Park, Ph.D. 朴珉廷 (パク・ミンジョン) 博士
- Secretary of the International Traditional Arts Research Group & Representative of the Japan-Korea Tea Culture Exchange Association
国際伝統芸術研究会幹事 ならびに 日韓茶文化交流会代表 - Presentation in Japanese only (日本語のみ/英語通訳なし)
- SESSION CHAIR: Yoshiyuki Miyatake, Joint Research Associate, Kyoto and Tea Culture Research Center, Doshisha University
Register here to view the conference videos.
[Check out also the Call for Papers for the 10th Ocha Zanmai (2024)]